Intellect Chartered Accountants

Business Valuation

Business Valuation in Dubai, UAE

In today’s world, the very tremendously of setting out and conducting business is growing. Usually, businesses are started with a transparent or clear vision of accomplishing the next valuation level and vending the business to relevant consumers. With such a shift focused and with the increased activity, the need for and instances of valuation is on the rise.

In such a market state of affairs, additional and additional organizations request the support of valuation firms in Dubai, UAE, and across the region. The associate freelance valuator will play a vital role, in whether or not the valuation is needed for acquisition, disposal, borrowing, or disposal functions. Every of those would want a transparent read on the business or share price to become across, so as to be ready to create an intelligent business call.

We have in-depth cross-industry expertise in valuing businesses and shares. This puts America in a perfect position to conduct a valuation exercise suited to your needs. Betting on your specific want and also the prevailing business atmosphere, we have a tendency to adopt pertinent methodologies and a logical approach to inbound at our recommendation.

1. What’s a business or share valuation?

A business/ share valuation is the method of determining/ accounting the economic value/ value of the business or shares, that involves assessing all aspects of a business, together with its historical performance, capital structure, and future earnings potential, among alternative aspects relevant to a valuation.

2. Why do I would like a business or share valuation?

Undertaking a business valuation by an expert evaluator is important after you want to associate objective opinion regarding the worth of a business. Valuations are performed for a myriad of reasons, together however not restricted to commercialism, feat or merging a business, for financial coverage, taxation or compliance functions, amongst others.

3. What’s the methodology/approach used to be worth a business?

Whilst there are many approaches that will be adopted, the key approaches are financial gain, Market, and quality. The financial gain approach (also usually mentioned because of the discounted income or DCF methodology) considers the earnings capability of an organization and converts anticipated money flows into a gift worth. The market approach uses strategies that compare the corporate to similar businesses. The quality approach relies on the worth of the underlying internet assets of the business.

4. What’s the correct approach or methodology to worth a business? There is no special formula that works from side to side for all businesses. It depends on many aspects like the aim that the valuation is needed, level of knowledge out there, stage of the life cycle of the corporate, to list some. supported our initial discussions with our purchasers, Intellect Chartered Accountants UAE will assess and advise on the suitable valuation approaches that most closely fits their needs.

5. Why is the DCF methodology wide employed by values?

The DCF methodology relies on free money flows, and its associated discount rate, which could be a life of the chance connected to the money flow and business normally. The DCF methodology captures the underlying elementary drivers of the business and needs a radical understanding of the underlying assumptions supporting the projected money flows for the business, creating a strong and wide used methodology to derive the intrinsic worth of a business.

Whilst DCF methodology could also be our initial selection of a valuation methodology, we regularly conjointly compare the values derived with alternative methodologies like the relative valuation/ comparable firms, and internet quality worth, as felt applicable. This ensures that our opinion is well-rounded, and associated considers multiple methodologies before inbound an opinion on worth.

6. Why ought I have interaction with an expert firm to undertake a valuation? Are the prices justified?

A business valuation is a necessary part of several transactions, moreover as a statutory demand for financial coverage, compliance, and legal proceeding functions. An expert evaluator provides associate freelance, unbiased and objective opinions on the worth of an organization. It conjointly brings to the table a distinct perspective, supporting the expertise of the evaluator across completely different sectors. Consequently, the advantages of obtaining an expert opinion on a valuation way outweigh the associated prices.

7. What’s the associated calculable timeframe for endeavoring a valuation exercise?

The timeframe of a valuation exercise depends on the scope and quality of labor, the supply and accuracy of knowledge, and alternative factors, and might take anyplace from time period to many weeks. The timeframe is decided at the commencement of the engagement and is clearly mentioned in our engagement letter.

8. understand the operations of my company intimately and know the direction it’s headed within the next 5 years, however, I’m unable to organize financial projections. Can Intellect Chartered Accountants UAE prepare the projections and use them for the valuation of my company?

Indeed, we are able to assist with the preparation of the financial projections. While all the assumptions and estimates are your responsibility, we are able to prepare the projections which will kind the premise of the valuation.

9. I’m not aiming to sell my company or invite associate capitalists however would still wish to recognize its value. Will Intellect Chartered Accountants UAE undertake a valuation while not making ready a close report and for my very own internal consumption?

Yes, we are able to undertake a valuation of the corporate if you have got the financial projections out there. We’ll undertake a valuation employing an appropriate methodology and gain a worth. As we’ll not prepare a full report, the worth that we tend to gain is enclosed in a very transient report which cannot get on our letter paper.

If Intellect Chartered Accountants has undertaken a valuation for my Company and if I even have shared the worth with the potential vendee can Intellect Chartered Accountants defend the valuation and be willing to satisfy the potential buyer/seller?

It is typically not a decent plan to share our report with the buyer/seller and also the worth that we’ve fallen upon. It’s meant just for the one that has commissioned the valuation. Sharing the report could subtract any advantage that the buyer/seller could have while negotiating. If the dealings worth is fell upon and if Intellect Chartered Accountants UAE is requested to defend the valuation, it will do, therefore. However, the financial projections and also the underlying assumptions should be defended by the author.

10. A valuation is needed within the following illustrative circumstances.

  • My partner needs to shop for Pine Tree State out. Are you able to worth my possession interest?
  • I would wish to sell out my shares to an associate interested vendee. Are you able to worth my shares?
  • I am fascinated by feat shares in an exceeding takeover target that I even have known. Would you be able to worth the shares in this target company?
  • My company holds shares in many firms that have to be honestly valued at every coverage date. Will Intellect Chartered Accountants UAE facilitate such valuations?
  • My start-up would love to lift funds from investors, towards that I would like a valuation. Is it attainable to be worth a start-up with no history of operations?
  • My company has already no inheritable a majority material possession in an exceeding takeover target, and my auditors need that a procurement value allocation (PPA) is finished, post-acquisition. Will Intellect Chartered Accountants facilitate spot and worth the intangible assets and goodwill for financial coverage purposes?

Whilst the higher than list is solely illustrative in nature, there are probably many things once a valuation is required/ bonded.

11. Will Intellect Chartered Accountants have the expertise in valuing businesses within the sector that my company operates in?

Intellect Chartered Accountants has a few years of verified journals in valuing firms across the UAE. At Intellect Chartered Accountants, we tend to be sector agnostic and have valued firms across varied industries like producing, retail, healthcare, financial services, logistics, food, and drinkable, amongst many others.

Our understanding of a client’s vision and demand, our technical ability in the selection of the correct valuation methodology, crucial thought method, and analytical skills have placed Intellect Chartered Accountants amongst the highest valuation corporations within the UAE.


  • Valuation of all the tangible and intangible resources of the organization
  • Present-day business & Market standing
  • Analysis of system, finance & administrative operations
  • Pointing of market threats and loss areas
  • Evaluation of potential strengths and opportunities
  • Assistance with funding the acquisition
  • Transition process and review.

Our Team of Experts at Intellect Chartered Accountants understands your need for audit and provides you with the custom-made solution as per your business needs considering relevant laws & Resolutions in U.A.E.

For further information connect with our expert.

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