Intellect Chartered Accountants

Do You Know Audit Is Mandatory For IFZA License And Renewals?

According to the International Free Zone Authority (IFZA), businesses must meet certain financial requirements to maintain their license. One common question is whether an audit is mandatory during the license renewal process. An audit involves a thorough examination of a company’s financial records, practices, and controls. While IFZA does not explicitly state that all businesses must undergo an audit, it may be necessary in some situations. Factors such as company size, turnover, and activities can influence the need for an audit. IFZA-registered companies must understand the mandatory audit requirements and ensure compliance to avoid any potential consequences or complications during the license renewal process. This article emphasizes the importance of auditing services and how they benefit accounting firms registered under IFZA.

Overview of the International Free Zone Authority (IFZA)

The International Free Zone Authority (IFZA) in Dubai is located in a thriving economic hub in the UAE and serves as a high-quality platform that provides infrastructure and proximity for both local and international businesses. It also helps businesses maximize the advantages of the UAE’s geographical location, excellent infrastructure, business environment, and tax regulations.

Why choose IFZA?

IFZA offers a range of licenses and supports all requirements for establishing a business. In addition to flexible business licenses and simplified legal procedures, it also provides numerous benefits, including:

  1. Exemptions from import and export taxes.
  2. No personal income tax.
  3. A secure and business-friendly legal framework for licenses.
  4. The ability to easily upgrade or downgrade with an IFZA license.
  5. Residency visas are for business owners and employees.
  6. A rapidly expanding global business network.
Are companies with an IFZA license required to undergo an audit?

It is mandatory for all businesses operating under an IFZA license to undergo an audit by an auditor licensed by IFZA. As per the IFZA License Companies Regulations of 2023, it is required for every company to maintain accounting records along with supporting documents that adequately reflect and explain its transactions.  In addition, within nine months of the conclusion of each financial year, all companies must submit their audited balance statement, which has been completed by an accredited auditor under the IFZA license.

ICA is one of the approved auditors listed under the IFZA license. For efficient auditing and accounting services, consider engaging the services of an IFZA approved audit firm in Dubai.

Rules and regulations about the external audit of organizations within the IFZA License are as follows:

Businesses registered under the IFZA license are required to engage an independent auditor from a selection of approved audit firms listed under the IFZA license, as per the implementation regulations.

  1. The company’s financial statements must be approved by either the shareholders or directors and signed on their behalf by at least one of them. Following the instructions of the registrar, the company must submit a copy of the accounts to the registrar, and auditors must provide a report within seven days of receiving such instructions.
  2. As per the IFZA License Companies Regulations, all companies are required to ensure that their designated auditor is registered with IFZA as an approved auditor and appears on the list of IFZA’s Approved Auditors.
  3. A key requirement for offering external audit services within the IFZA license is that auditors in the IFZA license must possess a professional license approved by the Economic Department of Dubai, UAE.
  4. The approved auditor appointed by a company with an IFZA license is responsible for conducting an external audit of the company’s annual financial statements and submitting an external audit report to the company.
Are audited financial statements required for IFZA renewal licenses?

Audited financial statements are a requirement for the renewed license of the International Free Zone Authority (IFZA). All agencies operating under IFZA must submit audited economic statements during the renewal process to ensure adherence to economic reporting requirements and policies. These statements play a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability in the financial activities and overall performance of the business entity.

Deadline for Submission of Audited Financial Reports

As per IFZA regulations, companies incorporated in the free zone are required to submit their audited financial statements within 3 months after the conclusion of each fiscal year.

Engage with IFZA accredited audit firms in Dubai to streamline the process of submitting audit files and ensure timely compliance with the deadline.

Instructions for Submitting Audited Financial Statements

In order to submit audited financial statements to the IFZA authority, companies must include the auditor’s signed and stamped Audited Financial Statements Summary Sheet and the Audited Financial Statements Report using a specific online service request on the member portal. This efficient system guarantees environmentally friendly submission and adherence to the policies.

To fully understand the submission procedure and ensure a seamless submission of the audit file, it is advisable to seek guidance from the IFZA audit companies in Dubai.

How can I appoint approved auditors for the IFZA license?

A corporation must engage a team of auditors approved by an IFZA license to examine and report on its finances in compliance with the Companies Regulations. The selection of a company as an auditor of a corporation is deemed to be a selection of all individuals who are partners of the company and are licensed as auditors under the IFZA license. Each year, at the annual general meeting, a corporation must appoint an auditor to serve from the conclusion of that meeting until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.

If you fail to conduct an audit of your financial records in your organization that is registered under the IFZA license, what are the consequences?

If your organization fails to audit its books of accounts, there are consequences to consider. An agency with an IFZA license that does not submit audited financial statements within the specified timeframe through the online portal will be penalized for non-compliance with IFZA license regulations. Failing to submit the required audited financial statements can result in a significant fine and may even lead to the suspension of services. The most significant risk businesses face in this situation is the potential non-renewal of their exchange license in IFZA.

How does ICA contribute to audit services within the framework of the IFZA License?

Intellect Chartered Accountants (ICA) has been appointed as the approved auditor by the IFZA authority. As accredited auditors under the IFZA authority, we guarantee top-notch professional service and conduct throughout the audit in compliance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA).

What makes ICA the top for auditing financial accounts?

Our team of highly qualified experts possesses extensive expertise in auditing. They conduct the audit process within the premises of our clients, aiming to guide and assist the accountants in preparing financial statements that comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), all while maintaining the independence of the audit.

To enhance the operations of your company, we encourage you to reach out to our experienced auditors in Dubai and UAE free zones. We provide comprehensive accounting and auditing services that can be customized to meet your unique needs. Our team of experts is committed to delivering efficient solutions that can enhance your business in free zones and support your goals. For more information about our personalized auditing and accounting services, please contact our specialists.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at  We recommend exploring our latest blogs, articles, and FAQs for further information.


1. Is financial auditing compulsory in the United Arab Emirates?

As per the laws of the United Arab Emirates, all businesses must maintain their financial records for a minimum of five years. However, they are required to conduct an annual audit and keep the relevant records on hand.

2. Which organizations have the authority to conduct audits for businesses operating in the United Arab Emirates?

“Authorized audit firms, sanctioned by the Ministry of Economy and other pertinent regulatory bodies, are exclusively allowed to conduct audits for companies in the UAE.”

These firms employ auditors who meet specific requirements in terms of experience, education, and examinations.

3. What does the audit process entail in the UAE?

The audit process involves a comprehensive examination of the financial statements, supporting documents, and tax declarations by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). The main objective of the audit process is to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the reported information.

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